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Unite, Empower, Advocate.
The mission of the California Alliance of Pregnancy Care (CAPC) is to promote life affirming alternatives to abortion, advance our movement, and advocate for reproductive justice in California.
Together in purpose, strength, and voice.
California Alliance of Pregnancy Care represents pregnancy centers & medical clinics committed to professionalism and excellence. These organizations strive to meet the pregnancy and sexual health needs of underserved and low income women in communities across California by providing life affirming alternatives to abortion, material resources, medical services and support at no charge and without judgment. These centers and clinics bring value to the health of the communities they serve and believe women can and should have all options presented and discussed in a welcoming, coercion-free environment.
Join Us
The mission of the California Alliance of Pregnancy Care (CAPC) is to promote life affirming alternatives to abortion, advance our movement, and advocate for reproductive justice in California.
California Family Council is proud to support the work of California Alliance of Pregnancy Care and its members by promoting Pregnancy Help Centers within the legislature, and sounding the alarm on legislative threats to the pro life movement. CFC exists to advance God’s design for Life, Family, & Liberty through California’s Church, Capitol, & Culture.
Care Net is proud to support California Alliance of Pregnancy Care and its members. Joining the Care Net family is more than an affilaition, it’s about becoming a part of the Pro Abundant Life movement. Our Christ-centered team is excited to come alongside you as you serve your communities with compassion, hope and help! is a proud supporter of California Alliance of Pregnancy Care and its members. Our commitment to partnering with pregnancy centers is one way we exemplify God’s will in our work. iRapture has launched over 200 websites for pregnancy centers in the U.S. and is happy to provide CAPC with this latest high quality, member friendly website.
Choose Life Marketing is proud to support California Alliance of Pregnancy Care and its members. We are a full-service marketing agency, founded to make a significant difference in the lives of women faced with unplanned pregnancies. We help further the mission of pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations by developing and offering a set of marketing services specific to the industry.
PO Box 245525
Sacramento, CA 95825