Spring greetings!

We are moving into the second quarter of 2021 with big goals for the California Alliance of Pregnancy Care. Engage & Educate As soon as permissible, we will connect with legislators, in person, to share how pregnancy resource centers and clinics are a valuable part of California communities. By meeting and educating representatives, we lend legitimacy to our cause while countering pro-abortion ideologues who use false narratives to tell about our centers. For those legislators supportive of our movement, we will leave a poster with one of the messages shown declaring the beauty of our pregnancy care movement. Cast a vote for your favorite here:

We’ll have printed posters available for you to take back to your own office at our Directors Conference in July.

2021 California Directors Conference

We missed you last year! We are very excited to announce that South Central Valley Directors are hosting our in-person Directors Conference to be held July 29 and 30 in Bakersfield, California. For more information and to register for the conference, Sign Up or Learn More Today

Regional Meetings

Regional meetings are happening near you. Whether virtual or in person, please
take advantage of your local gatherings to bless others and be encouraged
yourself. We really are stronger, TOGETHER. To add your regional meeting to
our next newsletter, please contact us.
• Northern California – Thursday, June 10 in Santa Rosa
• San Diego County – Wednesday, May 12 in San Diego

Upcoming Legislation

Visit “Bills to Watch” at California Family Council
SB 245 Eliminates co pays and deductibles for all insured abortion seekers
AB 705 Removes religious/conscientious objection clauses from hospitalproviders; violates 1st amend. right to free exercise of religion.

Growth & Gains

Commissioned by CAPC, the California State Impact Report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute will be arriving to your inbox very soon. We are thrilled to add this resource to our education efforts both in the legislature and with unaffiliated PRC’s and clinics. As we reach out to centers and clinics across California, particularly in regions not yet affiliated with CAPC, we increase our strength of voice as a pro life movement. Benefits of Membership with CAPC Regional representation on CAPC Board Discounted admission to CAPC Director’s Conference

Director’s Corner

We wish to introduce our new executive director, Allison Martinez. A longtime resident of Fresno, California, she has a heart for serving and is a strong supporter of life. Her passion for justice expresses itself through care for women in crisis, struggling families, and youth in foster care. The Pregnancy Care Center has been one of her loves for over twenty years. She currently serves as a parenting facilitator to young moms and is an active Board member. Working with PCC, as well as Safe Families, CASA and Every Neighborhood Partnership,Allison expresses her desire to bring the hope and healing of Jesus into families and be a voice to those who have none. She is eager to partner with CAPC to unite and strengthen pregnancy resource centers and clinics across California.

Did you know?

California Mandated Retirement Programs – By Josh Mc Clure, Pregnancy Care Clinic – San Diego

In 2016 the California Legislature passed AB1234. This law states that all employers with 5 or more employees who do not already offer a federally
qualified retirement plan must enroll in the CalSavers Plan by June 30, 2022. CalSavers is an automatic enrollment of all employees into an “IRA like” plan
that is not limited by federal IRA contribution limits. There is no employer match requirement in CalSavers at this time and employers must enroll regardless of whether any employee utilizes the plan. It is an automatic enrollment for employees, however they may opt out at any time. The plan sets default contributions at 5% of gross income, which can be adjusted by the employee. CalSavers invests all funds with State Street, whose fixed values are “Sustainability, Environment, and Gender Neutrality.”

Following are two qualified plans for non-profits which I prefer over CalSavers:
• 403b Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA): More expensive for small corporations, but offer more flexibility and greater investment caps. Costs include;
$900 for the Plan Document and $1,100 annually plus $20 per participant, + $800 annually to file the 5500 return. Contribution limits are $19,500,
and $26,000 for 50 and over. This plan pools all your employees into a plan to be invested. It requires an insurance policy to protect the investments.
The employer can set the match from 1% to a maximum contribution match. A 403b would be managed by a compensation/benefits company,
and invested with an insurance company or investment corporation. Each employee is given a menu of funds from your chosen group to invest.
• Simple IRA: Available to small businesses with fewer than 100 employees, with a higher cap than a Roth or traditional IRA plan. Contribution limits
are $13,500, however these limits are completely separate from other IRA contribution limits. So one could contribute the max to the simple IRA and
also max out a traditional or Roth IRA. The costs are more palatable than a 403b ($25 for set up, $25 per participant annually). Requires matching
3% max of the employee’s Gross earnings. These funds would be managed by a broker to be invested in a mutual fund group of your choosing. Employees would get a menu of funds in that fund group to select investments.

I am pushing my board to adopt a Simple IRA plan. To consider the overall cost of this plan take your gross payroll expense for last year and multiply by 3%. This amount would be the new cost to your payroll if all employees participate, but not all will. An employer matching retirement program is a great benefit to offer the staff who are investing so much in our ministry, and it is important for us to watch out for our employees. Ensuring they have the tools and benefits to help them be secure in their future helps us acquire and retain good talent for our movement, and is honoring to God. All eligible employers may register at any time prior to the 6/30/22 deadline. For more information, please visit CalSavers Website.