21 Members of Congress Shamed Themselves

On June 17th twenty one Members of Congress joined in a letter attacking Pregnancy Centers and asking Alphabet Inc. to disallow their use of Google Keywords Ads on Google platforms. This is not the first time extreme ideologues have attacked the good work of Pregnancy Centers. They would have people believe our business strategy is to literally trick people into keeping their babies. Were this true, word would spread, and no-one would come to visit our centers. The reality is Pregnancy Centers are a safe place people can come to find hope, care, scientifically supported information from peer reviewed journals, and recognized authority sources. Pregnancy Centers support people years after they make their decision, and regardless of their decision. Millions of dollars in free services and medical care at our licensed medical facilities that are staffed by licensed healthcare professionals. Ler more about the impressive impact, and the essential care of the Pregnancy Center Movement in this report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute. These bigoted politicians would have it so these underserved and vulnerable people would never hear about us.

California Alliance of Pregnancy Care Responds

CAPC is the combined voice of 40 member pregnancy centers who are calling on Alphabet Inc. to remain neutral as they are protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Here is our response letter to Google 2022