We are thankful for your dedication to offer hope to all who enter your doors and for God’s continued provision in your centers…Happy Thanksgiving!

Legislative Challenges

With opposition to our movement growing, now is a critical time to schedule a friendly meeting with your legislative reps. Introduce your center and share about your clients, use language familiar to them and focus on ways you are a benefit to their district.

On Nov 7th, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted on an agenda item with the intended purpose of closing pregnancy centers within the district. This item failed to pass due to a vacant seat but will be heard again by the full Board in the upcoming Dec 5th meeting. Please join in person to speak on the value of Pregnancy Centers and the specific help they provide to the community:

San Diego County Building

1600 Pacific Coast Hwy, Rm 310;

Meeting begins at 9am and will likely last into the afternoon

On October 23, Sixteen State Attorneys General signed an open letter penned by California AG Rob Bonta (Click here to read). We are considering on an “Open Letter from Women’s Clinics” refuting the derogatory remarks.

HR Law Updates for 2024

CAPC members will receive an email link to access HR updates in full detail December 1st.

New or updated laws likely to affect pregnancy centers:

·       State Minimum Wage

·       Paid Sick Leave Expanded

·       Reproductive-Related Bereavement Leave

·       Workplace Violence Safety Standard

·       Updated Wage Theft Prevention Notice

·       Health Care Industry Minimum Wage

·       Criminal History Regulations

Regional Meetings

Bay Area – Thursday, January 18 – 10:00 to 2:00pm

Northern California – Thursday, Jan 18 – 9:30am to 3:00pm

San Diego Area – Wednesday, Feb 14 – 10:00am to 2:00pm

South Central California – Tuesday, January 22 – 10:00am to 2:00pm

Los Angeles Area – TBD

Inland Empire – Thursday, Dec 7 – 10:00am to 1:00pm

North Central California – TBD

If you desire to host a regional meeting or need more details, contact info@calalliance.org and get connected to directors in your area!

Let’s Grow Together

Mark your calendars for the next Directors Summit, July 18-20, 2024 on the Central Coast. Our theme is “Unwavering Hope in Jesus” and we promise to make it a time of rest and refreshing tailored just for you! More details coming in the new year, member discount and Scholarships available.

Blessings on you as you continue to stand for life in California communities!

Working on your behalf,

CAPC Board of Directors