By: Tricia Lewis

In case you are wondering about this website and how we landed on this platform…well, it’s a long story but suffice it to say we met the Director of Viable Options (Canton, NY) at our Directors meeting in Southern California this summer. He was a joy to get to know and encouraged us in the Lord. His team created the Viable Options Web Platform–a website platform with PRC’s in mind as a resource for us to access at a fraction of the cost, and helping to equip us in reaching our clients and community in this technologically-driven age. Josh agreed to help us on this project and has adapted the Viable Options Web Platform to address our needs as a group on this site. He’s got lots of great information if you are considering updating your website. He has written a brief summary below.

In 2017, having a clean, well-designed, mobile friendly website is an absolute must. Why? Because the millennial generation is the first generation to grow up with the constant use of technology and after years of interacting with high-end websites, they have developed an expectation that professional organizations and businesses will have a certain style and quality that demonstrates authenticity, relevance, and trustworthiness.

Unfortunately, developing a site that attracts the millennial eye and meets their expectations is extremely expensive – potentially ranging from $3k–$65k+. In the world of pregnancy centers, most, if not all, work on a limited budget, while competing with multimillion dollar franchises that have seemingly endless resources at their disposal.

For them, creating a $65k+ website is not a problem. For the average PRC? Probably unimaginable.

But what if there were a way to have a website that not only met the conditioned expectation of millennials, but also enabled you to communicate easily and efficiently with your donors, accept online donations, and quickly edit any and all of your content with the mere click of a button?

The Viable Options Web Platform was designed with this in mind. A $60k+ site, it has been developed as a resource for PRCs to access at a fraction of that cost, helping to equip them in reaching their clients and community in this technologically-driven age.

I want to invite you to explore the option of using the Viable Options Web Platform. Ask questions. Be inquisitive. Maybe it’s the perfect fit for you. Maybe it isn’t. But regardless, use this opportunity to be critical and ask the question “Is our site effectively reaching the generation we are trying to serve?”

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! My email is:

I look forward to serving you in anyway I can!

Josh McGrath
CEO, Viable Options |
11 Court St., Canton, NY 13617