Is Your Pregnancy Center Paying Attention to HR Law?

Ignoring ever-changing HR Law or “winging it” could mean fines or legal fees that close your center down. Why?

California employment law is complex
Compliance is challenging
California is a litigious state
Mistakes are costly

2021 Spring Newsletter

Spring greetings! We are moving into the second quarter of 2021 with big goals for the California Alliance of Pregnancy Care. Engage & Educate As soon as permissible, we will connect with legislators, in person, to share how pregnancy resource centers and clinics are a valuable part of California communities. By meeting and educating representatives, […]

Notifications to CDPH – Licensing and Certification

Well it is always interesting to touch base with the Licensing Division of the California Department of Public Health. As you know, Title 22 requires Primary Care Clinics to provide notifications to CDPH for changes such as hours of operation, a change in nurse manager, and notification of operating an intermittent clinic. Major changes like […]