2019 California Impact Report

In 2020 CAPC assisted the Charlotte Lozier Institute who was also working with CareNet to organize a Pregnancy Center Impact Report. This report is meant to highlight the fantastic work of Pregnancy Centers in the United States and Globally. Centers who were CareNet Affiliated were included in the statistics through their annual renewal paperwork. Centers affiliated with Heartbeat and other organizations were asked to collect the data and also make reports according to very specific parameters. All the data was collected and statistical analysis was performed to account for centers that had now submitted reports. Check out their published report” Pregnancy Centers Stand The Test Of Time.

After Charlotte Lozier Institute released their report in December of 2020, CAPC contacted CLI to get a special report organized that was specific to California. We were surprised to learn there were two requests for reports on other states ahead of us. CLI took special care to organize, develop and analyze the data specific to California. The CAPC approved membership funds be used to commission the report. We are now pleased to make the California Impact Report available to CAPC Members. Three Additional graphics were also created for CAPC members to use in Social Media and other resources. CAPC Members are asked refrain from sharing these resources with non-CAPC members. It is our intention to provide more and more resources that will make membership in CAPC essential. The success of CAPC is contingent on California Centers maintaining membership with us!

Download our 2019

Using These Resources

First, it is important to consider the audience you hope to reach, and the content of these materials. These resources are intended to be used as an advocacy tool for people, organizations, businesses, and governments. They do not reflect the mission of our centers, but rather demonstrate the outcomes that EVERYBODY can feel good about. NARAL has presented a picture of Pregnancy Centers to the community that is a false caricature of who we really are, and what we do for the community. We know that! These resources help us say that to everyone else! There is limited opportunity to use these resources to attract clients into our facilities.

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