News & Events


2024 Employment Law Updates

From January 1, 2024, the minimum wage increases to $16/hour and $66,560/year for exempt employees, with updated posters and notices required. Paid sick leave expands to 40 hours; five days of unpaid leave for reproductive loss…..

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Is Your Pregnancy Center Paying Attention to HR Law?
Neglecting evolving HR laws or improvising could lead to penalties or legal costs that could shut down your center. Why? California’s employment regulations are intricate, making compliance difficult and posing significant challenges….

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21 Members of Congress Shamed Themsleves, CAPC Retorts
CAPC, a coalition of 40 pregnancy centers, advocates for Alphabet Inc. to remain impartial. They emphasize the importance of neutrality to uphold fair treatment across diverse perspectives and ensure equitable access to information and services without bias.

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Charlotte Lozier & CareNet 2019 California Impact Report
In 2019, CAPC collaborated with the Charlotte Lozier Institute and CareNet to compile a Pregnancy Center Impact Report aimed at…

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2021 Spring Newsletter
Greetings this Spring! As we enter the second quarter of 2021, the California Alliance of Pregnancy Care is poised with ambitious goals. Our focus is on active engagement and comprehensive education. Once permissible, we eagerly anticipate initiating initiatives to…

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Is Your Pregnancy Center Paying Attention to HR Law?
Welcome to our 2021 Winter Newsletter! In the face of challenges, there were those who sought to discourage us, believing our resolve would falter and our efforts would be in vain. Yet, in those moments, we turned to prayer, finding renewed strength to continue our mission…

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Upcoming Events

CAPC Directors Summit 2024

Inland Empire – AFL Regional Meeting

San Diego Regional Meeting

Northern California Regional Meeting South Central Valley Regional Meeting

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