1. Name of candidate Board member is placed before the Board. The candidate should be someone who is familiar with the Center.
2. If the Board has no issues with the candidate, the person nominating him/her contacts the candidate to ask him/her to pray about applying for the Board position.
3. After a reasonable amount of time, the person nominating the candidate will contact the candidate to see if he/she has decided to proceed with applying for the Board position.
4. The Executive Director, at the Board’s direction, will mail a Board application packet that contains the following documents:
- Application with applicant’s Certification and Agreement (to procure references)
- Essential Duties of a Board Member (attached)
- Ten questions to ask yourself before agreeing to serve on the Board (attached)
- What Qualities Should an Executive Director Expect in the Board? (attached)
- Mission Statement
- Statement of Principle
- Statement of Faith
- Doctrinal Code
- Conflict of Interest policy
- Code of Christian Conduct
- History of Center
- Envelope for return
5. Copies of the completed application and references shall be given to the Board for review.
6. Candidate is then invited to attend a subsequent Board meeting to meet the Board and provide an opportunity for both Board and Candidate to answer questions they may have.
7. Candidate is excused from the meeting, Board puts forth motion to accept or deny the candidate.
8. The Executive Director or designated Board member shall then contact the candidate to inform of the Board’s decision.