The political climate in California is growing increasingly hostile to the pro-life movement and we’ve packed this newsletter with helpful information to improve your Center’s offensive strategies to prepare against future encroachment.


The Future of Abortion Council and many legislators across the state want to see your center CLOSED. A new bill, AB 315, was recently introduced inviting “a private right of action” against any California business which performs pregnancy related services and advertises using false or misleading statements regarding abortion. A private right of action means a lawsuit can be brought against your center from anyone, anytime.

California Family Council is conducting Zoom meetings for Center Directors on the second Tuesday of every month. To join in, contact Sophia Lorey at

Six Points to Protect Your Center

  1. Read everything, review everything, scrub everything! Remove all wording which may be       construed as misleading. Make abortion disclaimers visible on every page of your center website stating that you do not provide or refer for abortion or abortifacients.

2.  Cite all sources & use only neutral or widely accepted sources like Mayo Clinic, ACOG,         

     Planned Parenthood, AAPLOG, etc. 

3.   Remove outdated or controversial wording such as Post Abortion Syndrome

4.   Do not hide that you are a faith-based organization, tell your story!

5.   Create a neutral Annual Report to share with community members and legislators – What  

      do you do or provide that public assistance does not?

6.   Reach out to local legislative representative offices and set up a meeting, reach out to                         

       Latino and Black caucuses in your area; people of faith are good contacts even if they do

       not agree on the abortion issue:

            a. Use Community Clinic rather than PMC and Community Based org rather than PRC,    

                these terms are more familiar.

            b.  Describe who you serve and your reputable partners in the community.

            c.  Consider bringing a well-spoken client or medical team member.

            d.  Ask donors and/or clients to call legislative reps – provide scripts.

Engage & Educate – HR Law Updates for 2023

Warren Buffet once said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”Ignoring ever-changing HR Law or “winging it” could mean fines or legal fees that close your center down. Why? California employment law is complex, compliance is challenging, we live in a litigious state, and mistakes or noncompliance are very costly. Read more from HR Specialist Sue Allred on our website.

Regional Meetings

Northern California Directors Meeting – Thursday, Feb 16 – 9:30am to 3:00pm

Hosted by Ridge Lifeline Church 5445 Clark Road, Paradise

Contact Cary Wilcox to RSVP

Central California Directors Meeting – Monday, Feb 13 – 10:00am to 2:00pm

Hosted by Erin Rogers of Bakersfield Preg Ctr 1801 18th Street, Bakersfield

Contact Erin to RSVP

Southern California Directors Meeting – Last Thurs, Feb 2 – 20 attended!

Hosted by Karen R of CareNet Women’s Res Ctr, 44733 10th St W, Lancaster

Contact Shannon Inouye for next mtg date

San Diego Area Directors Meeting – Wednesday, Feb 8 – 10:00am to 2:00pm

Hosted by San Diego Diocesan Pastoral Ctr 3888 Paducah Dr, San Diego

Contact Josh McClure to RSVP

Who will host in the South Coastal and Bay Area regions?

If you are willing, contact Allison for a list of Directors to invite from your region.

Benefits of CAPC Membership

Monitor legislation affecting our movement.

Improved strength and effectiveness for centers across the state.

Regional representation on our Board of Directors.

Access to specialized content from Affiliated Business Members.

Someone once said, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”

Become a CAPC member or renew today!

Let’s Grow Together

Mark your calendars for the next Directors Summit, July 13-15th

This will be a time of rest and refreshing tailored just for you!

Find more details about the “As Iron Sharpens Iron” event below

**Early Bird discount through March 30**

Summit Scholarships available

Directors Summit 2023

New CLI Report in the works!

We’re excited to share that the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) is conducting another national pregnancy study, beginning in late February. We strongly encourage all California centers to participate.

Blessings on you as you continue to stand for life in California communities!